
  • The Devil Went Down To Newport (Totally Rocking)
  • Oddball
  • Tryptophane
  • The Devil Went Down To Newport (Totally Remade)
  • Tryptophane
    Interpretation by Orion Bob
    Trytophane, first of all, is one of the twenty essential amino acids needed to survive. Many nutritional supplements contain tryptophane complexes or compounds. Allright the educational lesson for the day is done, and the interp of the song is pretty simple. The singer is concerned about his health and so he is taking a vitamin supplement, he has become addicted to this supplement. He is most paranoid about his level of tryptopahne. He thinks he is going to die because he thinks he is all out of the supplement pills, but then he finds there are more. And so it's just an ordinary day. But dispite the fact that outwardly everything's fine inside his mind and chemistry are hard at work converting the vitamins into useful things. The pills are causing him more harm than good, as he is not calm, that's his mistake.

    Interpretation by Miles Hamrick
    Tryptophane is included in turkey quite heavily I belive (it makes you sleepy too). "By the leg of the bird / and the special day observed" sounds like Thanksgiving to me. "I was mad till i found / there was more to go around". A common holiday problem. "There was much more going on / in my veins / in my mind / in my chemistry I find / Tryptophane". *Hint Hint*